Tag Archives: 4th amendment

Meeting Tuesday 9/17 at 7pm

Showing the movie Shadow Government by Grant Jeffrey and Cloud Ten Pictures, and then a robust discussion.

About the Movie: “Leading researchers, authors and minds like Grant Jeffrey, Dr. Katherine Albrecht, Edward G. Griffin, Daniel Estulin, Gary Kah, Chuck Missler, Joan Veon, Brad O’Leary and many others take you through the incredible and hidden world of Surveillance, Rights and Freedoms, Global Government and Bible Prophecy.” Continue reading

Posted in Caldwell County Democrat Party, Caldwell County NC GOP, Meetings, news national, US House, US Senate | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

IRS scandal, NSA spying abuse not to go unanswered!

“IRS Hitman: It has now been learned that the IRS Chief Counsel’s office demanded information on 2010 Election activity of Tea Party applicants. Career IRS officials in Washington now say that Lois Lerner ordered Tea Party cases to go through a multi-layer review that included her senior advisor and the IRS Chief Counsel’s office…” Continue reading

Posted in Caldwell County Democrat Party, Caldwell County NC, Caldwell County NC GOP, National politics, NC 10th District, NC 11th District, news national, TEA Party, US House, US Senate | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Legislation Action Coming

Fellow Americans, Alerting to all that there is likely to be voting to pass bills in the next two weeks before Memorial Day. Note on how our Congress moves– it is without doubt, that our Congress in working so well … Continue reading

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