Tag Archives: boehner

Freedom Caucus Wins 2 House Battles and Loses 1

Mark Meadows has worked on our behalf to succesfully ouster Speaker Boehner and then blocked the presumptive next Speaker in line, Kevin McCarthy. Two huge wins for conservative voices in the US House of Representatives! Remember the ousting of a Speaker hasn’t happened for over 100 years. Continue reading

Posted in Caldwell County NC GOP, National politics, NC 11th District, TEA Party, US House | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE Call Your US House Member Today and Tomorrow

From our House Freedom Caucus co-founder, Rep. Mark Meadows, “please call YOUR Congressman and express your opinions on this contentions Speaker’s race.” American Republicans are disgusted with the way Washington is working and how We-the-People are being completely ignored by Republican Leadership. While this is not a complete list, the House Freedom Caucus wants Paul Ryan to agree to the following before they will support him for Speaker of the House:… Continue reading

Posted in Caldwell County NC GOP, National politics, NC 10th District, NC 11th District | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

DO THIS NOW – Call Your US Congressman

Call your congressman now, today, this afternoon, even if it’s after 5pm. Tell them not to vote for Kevin McCarthy of Speaker of the House. Tonight is the first round of voting for the next Speaker. ANYBODY BUT McCARTHY! Continue reading

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UPDATE ALERT: Lobbying March on DC this week regarding illegal immigration

ALIPAC and FAIR with Citizens nationwide are heading up this effort. Please consider making phone calls this week (Nov.18-22) to your Representative and Congressmen in Washington. While ALIPAC lobbyists go from office to office in DC delivering petitions and carrying … Continue reading

Posted in illegal immigration, National politics, TEA Party, US House, US Senate, voter integrity | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

RNC Delegates to be Eunuchs

This is a report from an RNC delegate from our 11th District, a fellow TEA Partier, Republican, and now an angry delegate. At the 11th District Convention in May, 17 people (including me) stood on the stage and asked to be elected one of the six delegates to the RNC Convention in August. http://wp.me/pWGJR-1pU Continue reading

Posted in Caldwell County NC GOP, National politics, NC 10th District, NC 11th District, NCGOPCON, TEA Party, US House, US Senate | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

The Rep’s MIGHT be waking up!?!??

Boehner says those TEA Party people we see in the streets only represent about 10% of the angry voters in America. They should not be dismissed. We should join them!

Posted in 912 Event, National politics, NC 10th District, NC House, NC Senate, NCGOPCON, news national, TEA Party, TEA Party event, Uncategorized, US House, US Senate | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment