Tag Archives: gaspee gazette

Interview(s) with Pat McCrory candidate for NC Governor

My friend Neal Thomas interviewed McCrory over a several day period. He’s sharing his findings with North Carolina. Please read, share, and comment. http://gaspeegazette.wordpress.com/2012/04/22/gaspee-gazette-sits-down-for-a-tea-party-with-pat-mccrory/

I am sure McCrory will be our next governor, no matter what we do. I also think we can instruct McCrory about the Constitution, the TEA Party, our views and values, and maybe forge a good alliance of understanding with him for the future. An alliance that hopefully will not include any Sustainable Development Projects sprinkled all over NC at huge costs to taxpayers, ’cause, we don’t want that stuff. Continue reading

Posted in Caldwell County Democrat Party, Caldwell County NC GOP, NCGOPCON, TEA Party | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments