Tag Archives: invasion

Red Alert: Call Congress on illegal Amnesty made up by Executive

(This is not immigration from our neighbor Mexico – its invasion) Consider calling your Congressmen this week to refute the President’s unlawful decree of amnesty that the will of the People reject.  Also Call as House Members on important Committees … Continue reading

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Rep. Stark (D-CA), Do not re-elect!!

What a POS!! How can arrogant, grotesque people like this be our elected representatives in Washington?? Rep. Stark (D-CA) has occupied this seat since 1973!!! Please send this email to everyone!! He must not be re-elected ever again. Continue reading

Posted in National politics, NC House, NC Senate, NCGOPCON, news national, Private Property, TEA Party, Uncategorized, US House, US Senate | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment