Caldwell County GOP Convention

When:       Saturday, MARCH 11th
Location:  Caldwell County Public Library, 120 Hospital Ave., Lenoir, NC  28645.

Caldwell County Republican Party COUNTY CONVENTION and PRECINCT meetings. Registration begins at 9am. Precinct meetings and precinct elections 9:30-10am. Doors close and registration closes for the County Convention at 10am.

All politics are local. This is every man’s chance to directly participate in their government. Only two requirements to participate: You must be a registered Republican before 1/31/17 and live in Caldwell County. If you meet this, you show-up, register, take your seat, and vote for precinct chairman, and a new county chairman. This is an election year for political parties!  The governing By-Laws and Platform may be voted on this year. Don’t be shy. The Caldwell GOP is run almost entirely by TEA Party members now, but we can always use more like minded convention goers to cast their votes at convention. This only happens every two years. We can use more political outsiders with new ideas!!  Please come even if it’s just to listen and vote for someone else.  

Convention setup will be at 4pm Friday.

About Christine

I believe in the CONSERVATIVE principles and values of the Republican Party as they are written, and not how they are currently practiced by today's RINO's. Smaller government, lower taxes, more personal responsibility, states' rights, free market capitalism, and less government intrusion in our lives!
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